My blog

So I came over this static site generator built using go, and i just couldn’t resist to try it. And after a couple of hours of tweaking, customising and banging my head on the wall, I had successfully created a proper blog and even imported a blog entry I had written for bouvet, my current employer, which in my opinion is a great place to work. But anyways, don’t expect much from this blog/site. »

A simple Todo application, a comparison on Traditional vs CQRS + ES architecture

For as long as I can remember, the standard approach to web development has been a monolithic one. A database at the bottom, some business logic in the middle and maybe an API interface for communicating against a SPA client. For most applications these object oriented CRUD solutions work just fine. However there are a couple of shortcomings in this traditional architecture, which I hope to shine some light upon with this post. »